Design2.0 podcasts
Core77 has put up podcasts ofJune’s Design 2.0 event, including my presentation (21M mp3 link here) below
Core77 has put up podcasts ofJune’s Design 2.0 event, including my presentation (21M mp3 link here) below
This is pretty cool. I like big words. More on this to come, soon.
Although I often take the role of curmudgeon, it was a pleasant surprise at Overlap to see others taking that role. That said, I sometimes can be negative about those who are cheerleaders. One notable exception is when they are cheering for me, as in this post from Business Week’s Bruce Nussbaum, who calls me a “a really smart innovation consultant” while talking up the imminent Design 2.0 event where I’ll be speaking.
Just announced! I will be one of the panelists at Design2.0 – San Francisco.
The theme of the event is Products and their Ecosystems: Understanding the power of context in product innovation
Moderated by Jesse Scanlon of BusinessWeek
and in addition to myself, the speakers are:
Diego Rodriguez – IDEO, MetaCool
Peter Rojas – Engadget
Robyn Waters – RW Trend
I’m really looking forward to the event.