Posts tagged “skateboard”

What’s in your garage?

My sister sent me this photo of my niece, enjoying a springtime adventure on her driveway with three items she found in the garage: a skateboard, a sled, and a plastic bat.

As we embark on our various projects, her example can serve as an inspiration to use the tools we have at our disposal in surprising combinations, to lead us in delightful new directions!

Anti-design: Keep Off!

We’ve got BirdBGone spikes to keep the peeps away from gutters and roofs, Stakestoppers to keep the boarders off of guard rails and retaining walls, and now The Anti-Sit Archives documents many ways to keep our tushes from everyplace else. Signs of our (sub)urban times: brutal after-thought products intended to force a fix to an unintended or no-longer-desired usage for the original (often more elegant and integrated) design.


About Steve