This Week @ Portigal
Happy Monday! It’s October in the Bay Area and so it’s the nicest day of the year! Here’s the scoopage.
- Awesome new team member! Say “Howdy” to Beth Toland!
- While it’s more complex than a single bullet-point can convey, our largest project is now abruptly wrapped up, ultimately done in by some daunting challenges our client encountered in setting up site visits.
- We’re waiting on the final contract to be signed before we kick off our newest project, in a totally new (to us) category. We expect this to launch Any Day Now!
- Last week’s WebVisions travel and a weekend project to finish up an editorial have meant very little progress in book chapter revising. Soon!
- We’ll be at tomorrow’s german design – shaping the future today event in San Francisco.
- Ten years gone: From October 2002 – Googlism, Steve hates CSI, translation fail.
- What we’re consuming: Songza, Philz, Allen Ruppersberg: No Time Left to Start Again.
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