Posts tagged “slide”

Sliding Doors

Public bathroom doorway, Karuizawa, Japan, January 2008

Before we hiked up the nearby mountain I wanted to use the bathroom. I was very frustrated to find the door locked. I pushed and pulled and saw the keyhole for the deadbolt and figured I was out of luck. Then I saw someone enter the adjacent women’s room – by sliding the door. I wouldn’t expect a bathroom door to slide, and I didn’t interpret any of the cues (or affordances) about how this door works to suggest sliding was a possibility.

Highway of Heavenly Views Turns Commute Into Hell

The New York Times writes about our local Highway 1/Devil’s Slide closure.

Not that the problems, or the need to make do, are new. The highway has been closed dozens of times because of unstable geology, once in 1995 when a rock slide caused it to drop eight feet. In all, the roadway has fallen 46 feet since 1937, when the state first paved it.

It’s easy to feel abandoned out here on the coast with commute/road/traffic problems – many people in this area don’t know about the closure, don’t know what Devil’s Slide is, haven’t heard of Montara, etc. So some national coverage of our local woes at least offers a bit of validation.


About Steve