Chittah Chattah Quickies

Innovation: What’s New? [] – A sprinkling of what’s happening in innovation practice including 5 dimensions that emerged from a recent study of 100 Chief Technology & Chief Innovation Officers. Topping that list is spending more time with customers to fuel authentic and valuable innovation.(!!)

Customer-based innovation -seen as the most important concept of all in terms of future investment priority: engaging with customers in deeper and more meaningful ways to create stronger relationships and stimulate a desire to be fully involved in the innovation process. This includes: designing-in emotion, integrating social-networking, and being more sophisticated in open innovation.

Making informed design decisions [] – Some strategies to improve communication and decision making around the often oh-so-subjective task of reviewing design concepts. Written with a he said/she said (aka designer/marketer) focus, the strategies and criteria are absolutely relevant for critical clarifying conversations with researchers, engineers, consumers, etc.

These failures have been observed at both agencies and large companies. As noted, they lead to inefficiencies and a lack of trust between the design team and the marketing team. There are, however, a small set of strategies that can help the marketing team improve overall decision quality when selecting and refining design concepts…Improved design decision-making is the result of many small strategies, not the elusive, single “big fix”. It is the result of an improved process (decision organization), leadership (transparency/solicitation and critique), and analysis (data collection and point of view).

A Few Nifty, Unpredicted Uses for Dropbox [] – These are actually pretty nifty. Explore the value of Dropbox through the curated stories of a farmer, artist, theft victim, gamers, and family of an ill loved one. Gets me thinking in new ways how to use a service that most of the time I find cumbersome.

Fighting crime. The more tech savvy Dropbox users have come up with all kinds of hacks that enable you to do unpredictable things on Dropbox. Among them is a way not only to recover files from but track the movement of a stolen laptop.


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