This Week @ Portigal

It’s September in Northern California and that means the weather is insanely gorgeous! Summer is finally here.

  • I’m doing the last bit of preparation for my new workshop The Designer Is Present, to be held at Fluxible this weekend. Participants have a short homework exercise, there’s A/V and other logistic details to be worked out, and I need to finalize a 5-minute talk I’ll be giving to the entire conference. I leave very early Friday morning. Meanwhile, Max and Brody are featured in a promotional video for Fluxible, which you can see here.
  • I’ll be speaking to the Rome UX Book Club (via G+ Hangout) on September 18.
  • My presentation at the LA UX Meetup on September 19 is full and they are now taking names for the waiting list.
  • Out on the town this week, I’ll be seeing Marina Abramovic at City Arts and Lectures and hoping to drop in on the book launch party for Erika Hall’s Just Enough Research.
  • Ten years gone: From September 2003 – Bernard Manischewitz dies.
  • What we’re consuming: Post Street Creamery, Alex Karpovsky, Rust and Bone.


About Steve