This Week @ Portigal
Happy Labo(ur) Day!
- I’m spending much of this week in Vancouver, visiting family.
- I’m wrapping up the details for The Designer Is Present, to be held at the end of next week. This is a new workshop and I’m crazy excited for it.
- I just arranged to lead a day of training at a client’s site in Tampa next month; I haven’t ever been to Tampa so looking forward to having a bit of an explore beforehand.
- I’ll be speaking to the Rome UX Book Club (via G+ Hangout) on September 18.
- I’ll be speaking about Interviewing Users at the LA UX Meetup on September 19.
- Ten years gone: From September 2003 – Donut branding.
- What we’re consuming: Open Canvas, Anatomy of a Murder, Food Cart Fest.