This Week @ Portigal
Howdy, there, Monday!
- This week is heads down wrapping up this recent project. I’ve read through most of the transcripts and have some ideas of emerging patterns and what those mean for the client’s strategic opportunity. Over the course of the next few days I’ll do the last transcript and start collating and synthesizing what I’ve heard, and then put that into a document. We’ll review a draft on Thursday to make sure that we’re on the same page.
- I’m trying to set the tone for myself going heads down, I’ve taken some professional events (a webinar, a book launch party) off my calendar to make sure I focus. Also hoping to step back from social media a bit as well.
- Thanks to Chris Poteet for his new review of Interviewing Users on Amazon.
- Next week I’ll be teaching Interviewing Users: How To Uncover Compelling Insights at UX Week in San Francisco.
- Ten years gone: From August 2003 – Mini Kiss, Olsen Twins Fight Plaque, Towel Amnesty Day.
- What we’re consuming: Schmidt’s, The Decalogue, Alejandro Escovedo, The Dictator.