This Week @ Portigal
How ya don’, Monday? It’s another short week for me as I head to Holland, MI on Friday for a family long weekend.
- I expect in the next few days to finalize the work plan for our next project, evolving a product vision. I’m excited to get going on it!
- Already scheduled for this week are a number of catch-up meetings with friends, former clients, colleagues, potential collaborators and the like. I expect a few more such “meetings” to emerge as the week unfolds.
- Later this month I’ll be speaking at IxDA Silicon Valley about The Power of Bad Ideas, so I’ll be revising and updating that talk in preparation.
- I’ve been working from home more than usual as of late, dealing with (or avoiding dealing with, depending on how you see it) our new dog Max’s separation anxiety.
- Ten years gone: From July 2003 – same great Jacks taste, Tom Green’s dogs.
- What we’re consuming: Once Upon A Time In America, Mr. Show recursion #1, Mr. Show recursion #2.