This Week @ Portigal

Happy Canada Day!

  • It’s a short week, with a mid-week holiday (which for some will be an extra-long weekend) it’s hard to anticipate the rhythm but we’ll figure it out.
  • I’ll be chatting with a prominent design graduate school to see if there’s some possibilities for me to work with their students.
  • I’ve got a proposal out for a really fascinating bit of research, where our client has already developed a tremendous amount of insight around a new paradigm. Our task will be to try and refine that understanding and point towards the design vision.
  • I’m also waiting to hear about a couple of different internal workshops and presentations for different design teams.
  • Check out some of my thoughts about Interviewing Users on Huffington Post.
  • Last week was the premiere episode of We Might Do A Show Called We Might Swear, with Dave Gray and featuring guest Chris Reimer. More coming soon, maybe.
  • I’m being interviewed for a podcast about Interviewing Users; I will post when it goes online.
  • I’ll be dropping in via Skype to UX Book Club Philly for their discussion of Interviewing Users.
  • Ah, hardware entropy. I had a monitor just wipe out, out of the blue, and now there’s problems with the NAS; I think one of the drives has gone bad. It’s always something. We won’t even get into all the software glitches, syncing problems, updates that break things, etc. etc.
  • Ten years gone: From July 2003 – Cupholder Central, The Gyros Project.
  • What we’re consuming: Artists Who Are Known For One Thing, Connecting – Trends in UI, Interaction, & Experience Design, Hair Apparent, The Dirk Diggler Story.


About Steve