This Week @ Portigal
It’s the Tuesday of a short week so there’s the pressure of fewer days to accomplish weekly goals, balanced against the glee of fewer days til the weekend!
- If you didn’t check it out yet, the recording from my O’Reilly webinar is available.
- The interview I did for Ethnography Matters is now available in Spanish.
- On the Usabilla blog, I answered reader’s questions about user research. The best questions won a free copy of the book. Check out the questions, answers and winners here.
- If you’ll be in New York on June 19, you are invited to the NYC book launch party. The San Francisco party on June 3 is full-up (we’re taking waitlist names, so if you can no longer come, please let me know!)
- I’m leading a workshop at Catapult Labs 2013 in San Francisco on June 15.
- I’ll be at Design Research Thursday this week at Facebook. Will you be there?
- Ten years gone: From May 2003 – Sell the sizzle, not the steak, Gifts made from your DNA.
- What we’re consuming: here’s that bad advice you were hoping for, The Mountain House, Iggy Pop doc.