This Week @ Portigal
It’s a deceptively sunny Monday, despite overnight high-winds that brought the power down in my neighborhood. A strange time of year, indeed!
- I’m sticking around town this week, putting some time into preparation for this week’s keynote address (The Power of Bad Ideas) at the SJSU Human Factors/Ergonomics Alumni Symposium and next week’s presentation as part of the McCormick Design Advisory Panel.
- Interviewing Users is imminent. I shared the cover last week, but you can also see the acknowledgements and FAQ.
- I’ll be meeting with the team from Rosenfeld Media this week to talk about promotion for the book; lots more to be shared here once that plan is under way.
- Ten years gone: From April 2003 – Trix rant, drybay.
- What we’re consuming: Rust and Bone, Hi Lo BBQ.