This Week @ Portigal
It’s our last real week of work for the year. And as seems to happen every Monday for the past little while, rain has turned to sunshine by the time I sit down to tell you about our week ahead.
- Wonderful topline session with our team concluded last week; we’re on the cusp of diving into synthesis, full-on, but as often happens with this organization, we’re in a bit of a holding pattern on schedule.
- Potential projects abound. Our cup nearly runneth over with a diverse set of interesting projects for the first quarter of 2013. We’ll be excited to see which we’ll move ahead with.
- I’ve set aside some time to do our Portigal-in-2012 writeup. Watch for that!
- I’ve got one War Story in hand, a near-final draft of another, and a promise of a third.
- We’ve got our winners for the IxD13 Student Design Challenge. Lots of logistics to get them sorted for travel to Toronto next year and now the planning for the conference moves forward: figuring out the details of their assignment, setting up our judges for Toronto, and looking to see what kind of prizes we can arrange for these folks.
- I’m taking a book day to finalize the next revision of the manuscript before the year runs out. It’s been a while since I had the time to focus but I’ve got a deadline to meet!
- Ten years gone: From December 2002 – The 250-word short story
- What we’re consuming: SF Sketchfest, The Day the Earth Stood Cool, Best Music Of 2012, Best Books Of 2012, The 100 best British films, Top 100 Bay Area Restaurants 2012.