This Week @ Portigal

Here’s the scoop for us this week

  • Last week’s kickoff was most setting the stage for the project launch. Today we meet the entire team for a work session meant to build consensus, uncover existing hypotheses, and focus our investigation. It was a crucial if surprising moment in last Friday’s meeting when after a couple of months of scope and contract negotiations it became clear that our key project owners don’t have an exact specific focus for the user research and are looking to us to help focus that.
  • Beyond that, we’ll be diving into writing a screener, interviewing remote stakeholders, and setting up conversations with experts and thought leaders who will inform the project.
  • Last week produced three War Stories (from Elaine, Dennis and Debbie). We’d love yours, too!
  • I’ve got a handful of lunch and coffee meetings this week to catch up with different folks, both local and visiting.
  • Ten years gone: From October 2002 – a suspicion around DeLorean vs. Miata psychographics
  • What we’re consuming: Neil Young Journeys, Looper, KONG Classic, Mitchell’s Caramel Praline ice cream.


About Steve