This Week @ Portigal
Howdy Monday!
- I’m off for most of today, coming home from a long weekend in wine country in time to get on a conference call with the Enterprise UX Insight at Scale speakers to go over the draft presentations.
- Speaking of the Enterprise UX conference, you can use the discount code PORTIGAL15 to save some bucks off your registration!
- Still speaking of the Enterprise UX conference (really?), I’ll be reprising my Soft Skills are Hard workshop (sold out at Interaction 15). Don’t forget: PORTIGAL15!
- Speaking of soft skills (really????), I’ll be part of the People Skills for UX virtual conference on May 27. I’ll be doing a session on listening, alongside Julian Treasure, author of Sound Business.
- Wednesday’s event, Moments of Influence is wait-list only at this point.
- I’ll be leading an interactive session about improv and creativity at RE:DESIGN/UXD in San Francisco on May 19.
- We’re getting ready for interviews in Boston in a couple of weeks, helping our client set up the interviews and finalizing our approach for those sessions.
- Ten years gone: From March 2005 – Writing, briefly, Star Wars candy, Ron Jeremy’s mobile service, Photoshop firings.
- What we’re consuming: Johnny Doughnuts, wine, TIE Fighter.