Posts tagged “weil foundation”

Would you buy face goo from this man?

Would you buy face goo from this man? Dr. Weil for Origins is a new line of skin care products.

This proactive approach addresses you as a whole person – inside and out and introduces three provocative new products. Each propriety formula features some of the most effective natural substances Dr. Weil has found to address skin problems.

The line includes Plantidote Mega-Mushroom Face Serum, Plantidote Mega-Mushroom Supplement, and Nite-trition Restful Sleep Supplement.

But this is not stricly for profit, no!

Dr. Andrew Weil donates all his after-tax profits from the sale of Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins products to the Weil Foundation, an organization dedicated to sustaining the vision of integrative medicine.

Of course, Origins will be keeping their booty. The Weil Foundation sounds cool, but I guess I’m cynical about what that all really means. And please forgive the overal cynicism of this story; we want companies to do good work, but sometimes it seems too much, too silly, too unbelievable. For me, this is one of those times.


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