Susan Dray on War Stories
In Lessons from the Front Line, Susan Dray reflects on the impact the War Stories have on her as a researcher.
These war stories are at times inspiring, at times comical, but always interesting. As I have followed them, I have increasingly been figuring out ways I might be able to use them with teams, clients and students. For example, I might share a selection of them of them to give a new team some sense of what to expect when we go into the field together. In addition, when I teach at the Technological University of Panama next year as a visiting Fulbright scholar, I plan to use these stories to help give students a better idea of the variety and nuance of ethnographic work. War Stories are rich not just in data but also in terms of technique, and they have made me think about my own experiences in the field.
Thanks to Susan for such a thoughtful and heartfelt piece, and to Core77 for publishing it!