PC recycling coalition
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eBay has formed a coalition to help consumers get rid of used and obsolete computers, with one option of selling them on eBay.
Disposing of old computers has become a huge problem for the computer industry, and it is causing problems in the environment. Some companies ship boatloads of old computers to Asia, where the PCs are taken apart for their lead, gold and other valuable metals. The plastic is sometimes burned, and the whole process can dump harmful chemicals such as lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury and toxic fumes into the air and water. The San Jose company said U.S. users replace about 133,000 personal computers a day. CEO Meg Whitman said that with the help of Intel of Santa Clara, she was able to get major players in the industry to support the program, called the Rethink Initiative. Apple Computer, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and reseller Ingram Micro are all participating in the effort. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, United Parcel Service and the U.S. Postal Service also are participating.