Creativity and Haiku

5 ways to test it
7 big ways to kill it
5+ ways to win

I keep coming across articles about creativity that use the numbers 5 and 7. This got me thinking about haiku poems, often written 3 lines long with 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. I took this as an opportunity to get creative, so I wrote the haiku above and one for each of the articles that sparked my haiku-frenzy.

Test Your Creativity: 5 Classic Creative Challenges [Behance]
Do it yourself tests
Learn how to assess
And find when you flow

The 7 Biggest Creativity Killers [Co.CREATE]
Crime scene metaphor.
Who killed creativity?
Whodunnit plus tips.

5 Ways to Win With Creativity [Inc.]
Beat competition
Questions, courage, bold gestures
Gotta play the part.



About Steve