ChittahChattah Quickies
- PeterMe asked me about this today (I hadn’t heard this before); guess it came up at a Chilean IA event. I hope he’ll blog about it, but I’ll post it here so if not I can come back and digest it a few more times.
- PeterMe blogs about it before my previous bookmark even gets posted to my blog. So here you go.
- My AskMeFi question generates some fascinating info about what goes on behind-the-scenes with radio stations and technology for managing playlists and the songs themselves.
- It was about his taxes, not Watergate, and Nixon ended up paying back taxes after that. Interesting how meanings of quotes devolve over time. Nixon, crook, we all got that. But the specific context of the quote (for me) was missing.
- It was back in January when I spoke at Easy6 – big format change this year, with all the speakers coming from the US. Should be a different event. And the Leela Palace, to boot!