Check out Steve on the Vit Lyoshin Podcast

I spoke with Vit Lyoshin about User Research in Product Development for his podcast. The one-hour episode is on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and below.

User Research in Product Development | Steve Portigal


  • User research helps make informed product management and development decisions by understanding user behaviors, attitudes, and needs.
  • Mature user research practices involve skilled researchers, infrastructure, and effective documentation and socialization of research findings.
  • Collaborating with organizations and addressing their specific questions and concerns can promote the value of user research.
  • Starting with small, impactful research projects can demonstrate the benefits of user research.
  • User research techniques include watching people, asking questions, and asking people to try things.
  • Combining qualitative and quantitative methods can provide a more comprehensive understanding of user needs and behaviors.
  • Collaboration between qualitative and quantitative researchers is essential for a holistic understanding of users.
  • Getting buy-in and recognition for research findings can be a challenge, but research leaders can advocate for the value of research.
  • Conflicts between stakeholders’ expectations and user insights can be resolved by presenting research as a starting point for discussion and design opportunities.
  • Series

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