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Absolutely recommendable for children!!! Cult indication trick series , 27 March 2001
Rezensentin/Rezensent: (littletiger@firemail.de) from Cologne, North-Rhine/Westphalia
Doctor Snuggles is an absolutely sweet and kultige child indication trick series, which I looked at as a child very gladly and all parents for their children recommend most warmly can. The characters of the series are really suitably selected (doctor Snuggles, the inventor, Ms Reinlich, whom schrullige however love-worth lady housekeeper and nibble, the mouse and before all the camel in the rainbow dream country with the Lavendelschaafen… simply blumig!!!). I can simply only recommend this completely classical and warmherzige child Zeichenrickserie. It is an enriching for each child room and the correct mixture from adventure and “welfare world”. For children starting from 5 geeinget!!! Although the series is from the 80’s, it has still a place in the child hearts earned… 5 stars *****