Black Friday

Growing up in Canada, our November and December are structured so differently, culturally. Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in early October, so it’s an early holiday that sort of makes you realize that it’s been a while since Labour Day and the (school) year is really moving along. The biggest shopping day of the year is December 26, aka Boxing Day.

In the US, where I’ve lived for 10 years, Thanksgiving is a 2-day holiday that is the left bracket of Christmas. The second day is the huge shopping day, the rush to get the best Christmas gift bargains. I just learned that it is called “Black Friday” and I got a big kick out of this, a bulletin board that is circulating Black Friday Lists, or the details of what various retail chains will be offering as their seductive deals.

Progressive Scan DVD Player CH-DVD320 $34.44
Easy Bake Oven and Snack Center $9.82
Bratz Salon ‘n’ Spa $31.88
My Little pony Celebration Castle $27.88
Bratz Slumber Party Collection Doll $16.88
Polly Pocket Groovy Getaway Jet $10
Disney Little Princess Dolls $11.17
My Scene Dolls $9.22
2pk Barbie Playsets or Fashion $9
Rio Barbie Ken & Friends $1.97
Asst. Beyblade items $4.96 and $5.96
Transformers Armada Gigacon $18
Hot Wheels 49Ôø?
Electronic Hulk Hands $12
Tyco R/C Spider-Man vehicle $30


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