The Seven Clown Commandments

It’s National Clown Week!

Of course, what can we infer about any profession that has created:

The Seven Clown Commandments

I will keep my acts, performance and behavior in good taste while I am in costume and makeup. I will remember, at all times that I have been accepted as a member of the clown club only to provide others, principally children, with clean clown comedy entertainment. I will remember that a good clown entertains others by making fun of him or herself and not at the expense or embarrassment of others.

I will learn to apply my makeup in a professional manner. I will provide my own costume. I will carry out my appearance and assignment for the entertainment of others and not for personal gain or personal publicity when performing for either the International club or alley events. I will always try to remain anonymous while in makeup and costume as a clown, though there may be circumstances when it is not reasonably possible to do so.

I will not drink any alcoholic beverage prior to any clown appearances. I will abstain from drinking alcoholic beverage while in makeup and clown costume. I will conduct myself as a gentleman/lady, neither molesting nor interfering with other acts, events, spectators, or individuals.

I will remove my makeup and change into my street clothes as soon as possible following my appearance, so that I cannot be associated with any incident, which may be detrimental to the good name of clowning. I will conduct myself as a gentleman/lady at all times.

While appearing, in makeup and costume, I will carry out the directives of the Producer or his designated deputies. I will abide by all performance rules without complaint in public.

I will do my very best to maintain the best clown standards of makeup, costuming, properties, and comedy.

I will appear in as many clown shows as I possibly can.


About Steve