This Week @ Portigal
After a weekend of working in the yard I’m stiff and creaky on Monday, each keystroke of this update requiring a supreme effort (well, maybe I exaggerate just a bit).
- Last week’s webcast about Interviewing Users was a huge success. Good comments from the large audience during and afterwards on several platforms. The recording (available at that link) should be available very soon (Update: it’s here!)
- If you’ll be in New York on June 19, you are invited to the NYC book launch party. The San Francisco party on June 3 is full-up (we’re taking waitlist names, so if you can no longer come, please let me know!)
- I’m thinking ahead about a couple of new workshops I’ve been asked to develop. Exploring new ground is energizing and intimidating at the same time.
- Ten years gone: From May 2003 – AFLAC duck heads to Japan, Atari is back, Oreo Ban.
- What we’re consuming: Amatriciana pizza, Eddie Cochran as the origin for a Bowie riff, Bowie’s in space, zillions of free movies online