This Week @ Portigal

Here’s the story for this week:

  • Our largest client has been working pretty hard to line up some fieldwork sites and finally we hit the road for the first few next week, which means this week is about finalizing stimuli, prepping everyone for their roles, working out travel logistics and so on.
  • I’m having some meetings about the next set of projects, one in an area I’ve long been fascinated in but haven’t worked in, another with a team that I’m really growing to like in a really innovative category. Fingers crossed!
  • I’m thinking about of my talks, after UX Australia and Service Design Melbourne, including UXCamp Ottawa University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Along those lines, my proposed talk for SXSW is here. I’d really appreciate it if you’d give it a thumbs up, tweet it, pass it along to friends, and add some comments!
  • Last week we had four new War Stories. Submit your story here!
  • If all goes well, we’ll be ready to send out the details of the IxD13 Student Design Challenge this week.
  • Ten years gone: From August 2002 – dream dialogue, Clippy takes the stage.
  • What we’re consuming: Off the Grid, Cindy Sherman, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia.
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