This Week @ Portigal
I can see my house from here!
- I’m en route to Sydney for UX Australia. I’m very excited to be speaking about presence and mindfulness in my workshop The Designer is Present, and War Stories in my talk Epic Fail. The country is lovely, the people are excellent and the breakfasts are superb. I’ll be taking a day trip to the gorgeous Blue Mountains and then visiting Hobart in Tasmania very briefly, before heading home early next week.
- Last week was Seattle, with Dan Szuc, where we did a workshop and a talk with IxDA Seattle. I spoke about soft skills and my slides are here.
- Please comment (and vote) here for my proposed War Stories talk at SXSW.
- After Australia,
I’m doing a full-day workshop on user research at UX-STRAT in Boulderand a half-day workshop about synthesizing field data at EuroIA in Brussels. Spread the word as there is still room in both workshops. - Ten years gone: From August 2004 – SF discovers Nanaimo Bars, Verizon adds fees to see your bill, Team America and Thunderbirds.
- What we’re consuming: dim sum, a big-ass warm cookie, Park Chalet, Austin Powers.