Posts tagged “foam core”

This Week @ Portigal

What we’re up to this week…

  • Fresh from fieldwork in NYC, Tamara and Julie are in the throes of uploading data, preparing a top line report, and reviewing transcripts.
  • Be afraid. Be very afraid. Steve and Tamara are up to their necks in foam core, X-Acto knives and glue guns preparing mock-ups that we can take into consumers’ homes next week.
  • Steve will be giving a remote lecture on synthesizing user research to the Dundee Masters of Design Ethnography folks.
  • Field trip! We’ve been invited to meet the folks at Stimulant and check out their amazing interaction design, “beyond the computer.”
  • We’ll be helping our friends at Bolt|Peters celebrate their 10th birthday.
  • What we’re consuming: Trigger, David Sanborn
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About Steve